
A web series, created by Donovan Cerminara & Florian Dedio

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Pantheon” is a web TV series about two brothers, Max and Kostya, who find themselves working for a deep black special forces unit.


Pantheon” is a long-term attempt at serialized web storytelling, co-produced between British Columbia, Canada and Germany.

My Canadian co-author Donovan Cerminara and I built episodes and stories around the strengths of our co-production countries: the natural beauty and grand cityscapes of British Columbia, and the derelict industrial landscapes and Soviet military bases (and equipment) of East Germany.
Starring: Donovan Cerminara, Thomas Potter, Jamie Switch, 
Edited & Visual Effects Designed By: Donovan Cerminara
Director of Photography: Florian Dedio
Additional Camera: Tino Ammersdörfer, Nathan Fleming Jamie Switch, Arricc Fowler, Barry Nerling
Make-Up: Janella Churchill, Cheriene Galley
Associate Producers: Tibor Korbely, Lloyd Cunningham, Arricc Fowler
Co-Producers: Jamie Switch, Barry Nerling, Thomas Potter
Written, Produced & Directed By: Donovan Cerminara & Florian Dedio
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