Stock Footage
An ongoing side-project.
During the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, I embarked upon the 10-100-1000 challenge, which is an amazing way to spark ideas and creativity.
One of the side projects I started through this is a stock footage portfolio, which you can find at Pond5.
I’ve been using a lot of stock footage for my recent projects. Oftentimes, it is simpler, easier, and cheaper, to get that one shot that somehow didn’t get filmed than to go out and recreate it.
I’m constantly uploading unused footage from past projects (mainly in HD), as well as newly-produced 4k-material filmed on my own equipment. If you have any requests, please feel free to contact me.
The 10-100-1000 challenge is something that arose through Christian Graugart’s amazing “Create Something” workshop.
The challenge now has its own homepage, and you can find the workshop on the BJJ Globetrotters YouTube channel.